What's New at the Steiner Archive
There are a lot of changes going on around the Steiner Archive: new
formats, new links, additional features. Sometimes it's hard to find
out just what is going on! Well, here is what you've been looking for
— a list of the recent changes, additions, and coming attractions.
As always, let us know what you think ...
Most Recent Changes ...
The new Goodies ...
Our First Publication!!
(as of 11/15/2017):

Click to research on-line
| |
We are proudly announcing the publication of this very relevant series
of lectures that Rudolf Steiner gave in Zurich back in February of
1919. It is being made available in Kindle and paperback editions
through Amazon.com, and in other formats that are free from the
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib.
This is our first venture into this field, with a first edition book!
There are links in all of the editions to take the avid researcher
search, compare, read relevant material, and explore these lectures,
on-line. It can be a shared experience: research Steiner's works
on-line, buy the book to study at home ... or work, or wherever you
may be! It is a new way to publish Rudolf Steiner's works, and we
will continue to offer new translations using this method, as we
present the Future of Publications:
The Internet is about choice, and choice means the freedom to choose.
The Rudolf Steiner e.Lib believes this is what the future
of publications — the dissemination of knowledge — is
all about.
This publication absolutely falls in that category: the freedom to
choose whether to just use the information we present on-line, or
use that information and purchase one of our other offerings,
like a hardcopy of the book, or a softcopy version, like a CD or
something for your Kindle. Proceeds from your purchases help us to
continue these efforts to bring newly translated material to
researchers and Rudolf Steiner afficianados all over the world.
Freedom is a gift ... it is a gift of love. And as John Lennon
wrote, “Love is all there is!”
The e.Librarian heartily recommends this book! You can purchase
it directly from Amazon.com by
clicking here!
Research it on-line by
clicking here!
Bigger Things Come in Smaller Packages!!
(as of 08/20/2017):

Our microFirewall.
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The Internet is a scary place! There are all sorts of ne'er-do-wells
out there in cyberspace, trolling for vulnerabilities. Hacker-wanna-be's
galore are trying to find a way to "hack" into other people's systems
and do any harm they can: "Hey Mom, I'm a hacker!" To prevent this
onslaught, there are things called Firewalls. They are a first-line
defense in keeping the bad-guys out. The one we recently purchased is
even smaller than the Domain Name System referenced in a prior posting.
It is only 1" x 2" x 3", or about the size of a credit card and an inch
high! It's small, but it does a huge job in that it only allows in to
our intranet, those requests that are valid. And it prevents several
types of attacks! There was a time a few years back, when I had to
disconnect the Firewall for about an hour. During that time, there
were over 10,000 attempts to break in to our network! So, this very
small appliance is doing a very big job in keeping the information we
keep, safe. Again, we can provide a better experience for our readers!
Big Things Come in Small Packages!
(as of 08/18/2017):
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New DNS Server.
The newest addition to the servers we have at The e.Lib, Inc.,
is a mere 6" x 6" x 1"! It is being used as our Master Domain Name
Server. Whenever a request is made for one of our pages or documents,
the DNS server converts the human-readable URL, i.e. www.rudolfsteinerelib.org,
and translates it into computer-readable form: ...
dotted-quad notation. This new server, along with 5 other DNS servers
around the world, are all Geo-Location aware. The know where each request
originated, and will route that request to the server closest to the
requestor. For example, if you are on a computer in Brussels, your
requests will be forwarded to our Frankfurt server. That will be the
go-to server for you, unless it is very busy, in which case you will
be routed to the next closest server, in London. This new setup speeds
the retrieval process, and provides a better experience for our readers!
Calendar of The Soul Verse for a Given Day.
(as of 02/11/2017):

CoTS Date Selector
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With this new tool, you can find the appropriate CoTS verse for
any particular day. Be it a Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding ...
any day. Just enter the month, day, and year in the handy form,
and the assiciated CoTS verse will appear.
Happy Anniversary to the Rudolf Steiner Archive!
(as of 11/19/2016):

e.Librarian circa 1980.
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On November 19th 1980, the idea of the Rudolf Steiner Archive came
to fruition! After consulting with Werner Glas and Hans Gebert, then
at the Rudolf Steiner Institute in Southfield, Michigan, the idea was
put forth to transcribe all of Rudolf Steiner's works into a database,
and provide research tools for everyone with access to a computer!
Both Werner and Hans cautioned me that this was a huge project, and
that it would be fraught with problems, but the decision was made,
and I was off and running.
For the last 45 years, volunteers galore and myself have added to
the collection, written tools for easier researching, and given this
resource to the world. We proudly celebrate 45 years of
“Spreading the Words!”
In-house Credit Card Processing is Back!
(as of 10/23/2016):

Click button to Donate
| |
IT TOOK A WHILE, but we finally picked a new payment
processor, Sage Payment Solutions. They are specifially designed
for not-for-profit organizations like the Rudolf Steiner Archive
& e.Lib. We now accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover,
and eChecks, both personal and business. You can elect to do a
one-time donation, recurring donations, and tribute donations. You
can even sign up for our free Calendar of the Soul mailing list,
elect to donate anonymously, and leave feedback.
Feel safe and secure making your Donation at the Rudolf Steiner Archive
& e.Lib! Our secure servers offer high, 256-bit encryption for your
protection. Please note: We will not see your credit card or bank check
information, and we will never share your contact information with
anyone or any orgnization. We need your support, and are working hard
to earn your trust. Click the button and try it out!
your bank statement will show a donation to The e.Lib, Inc.,
our parent company.]
Kindle Books are Now Linked at the RS Archive!
(as of 02/27/2016):
MORE GREAT NEWS!!! on select Books and Lecture Series' by
Rudolf Steiner, we now have links to the Kindle version of the
document. It will look similar to the example we show at the left.
As new titles become available for use with your Kindle —
actually, you can read the Kindle versions on any device — we
will add them to the pages here, at the Rudolf Steiner Archive.
While there are only a few of these preview links at our site now,
it will grow as we add content and Amazon.com adds to their Kindle
collection ... watch this space.
The Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Mobile APP ... for
iPhone and iPad users!
(as of 02/19/2016):

Scan QR code to get App.
GREATER NEWS!!! A week or so ago, we announced that the
Rudolf Steiner Archive is now mobile, and that it is available
for all Android devices. Well, now it is available for ALL devices!
If you had trouble downloading the App for your Android-powered
device, or you have an Apple iPhone or iPad, we now have a solution
for you. Scan the QR code in this announcement using a QR scanner App,
and then follow the instruction on this page to get the App installed
on your device. Or, you can just open the page in your devise's
browser and then follow the instructions.
The Rudolf Steiner e.Lib has a Mobile APP!
(as of 02/05/2016):
GREAT NEWS!!! The Rudolf Steiner Archive is now mobile! It
is available for all Android devices.
I'm in!, one
of our valued Supporters, has designed and developed our mobile
app which is now available for download from Google Play. You can
download it by using one of the above links. Not only does it tell
you about us, but it will tell you the latest news at the Archive,
give you access to all of the documents at our site, alert you when
new documents are ready to view, and look pretty in your hand.
It's Back!
(as of 08/18/2014):
After a long hiatus, the old Search feature has returned to the
Rudolf Steiner Archive! Along with all of the old functionality,
there are some new features included: a title, and keyword search
is now added to the context search we used to have. The context
search will present the researcher with a menu of all results as
lines of context for the match. Selecting the matched expression
in one of these lines will take the researcher to that document
with focus on the matching location. Searching the entire Archive,
as well as the various Sections, is possible.
See our Search page
for the details.
We've added a new language!
(as of 07/15/2014):
Along with English, German, Norwegian, Russian, and Spanish,
we are very happy to announce the addition of Hungarian to our
list of supported languages. Starting on July 15th 2014, we will
be presenting some of Rudolf Steiner's works in Hungarian. The
first presentation will be the Philosophy of Freedom,
or more rightly,
A szabadság filozófiája.
Powell's Books is added to our list of advertisers!
(as of 08/07/2013):
Did you know that
Powell's Books
has quite an extensive collection of Steiner Books? Did you know
they also have many of his books in German ... or in Spanish and
other languages? They also have many books on or about Anthroposophy
and related subjects. We will be adding links to Powell's for our
own collection of on-line documents over the next few weeks, but in
the meantime, please pay attention to their Ads, and visit our
on-line Bookshelves at Powell's to purchase books for your own
enjoyment: reading at home! Powell's is a great source of Steiner
books ... we're sure you will agree!
And now, the new design is at the Articles Section
(as of 07/23/2013):
The Books Section being completed, we've moved
on to the Articles Section! It has GA/BN
numbers from 29 through 50, including the Calendar of the Soul,
GA/Bn 40, which was moved when we did the Books Section!
The default format for the list of articles on that page has been
set to be Bibliography Number, just like that ihe Books Section.
There is a fairly complete Overview Page with some very informative
information for each of the GA/Bn's. Please visit the
Articles Section and see what we've done!
Remember, you can help with your kind Donations!
A new design for the Book Section
(as of 07/11/2013):
We have been doing a lot of work within all of the Sections at
the Archive. The Books Section now contains only books that were
written by Rudolf Steiner: GA/Bn 1 through 28. The Calendar
of the Soul, GA/Bn 40, which is really a set of verses, has
been moved to the Articles Section where it belongs. Also,
Guidance in Esoteric Training, GA/Bn 245, really a set of
lectures and additional notes, has been moved to the Lectures Section,
where it belongs! Additionally, the default format for the list
of books on that page has been set to be Bibliography Number, and
there is a fairly complete Overview Page with some very informative
information for each of the GA/Bn's. Eventually, all of the GA's
will have an Overview page like the ones in the Books Section.
Please visit the Books Section and see
what we've done! Remember, you can help with your kind
Medical Leave for the e.Librarian, Sr.
(as of 02/04/2013):
We are announcing that the current e.Librarian, James Stewart, is
taking a 3 to 4 month Medical Leave. He has had some medical problems
recently since doctors found a fist sized lump on his right lung!
CT scans, PT scans, MRIs and biopsies revealed it to be cancerous,
but it has not progressed to other organs or tissues, and is believed
to be Stage One. Good news! Surgery to remove the lump will be on
January 29th at the Frederick Meijer Heart Center in Grand Rapids,
Michigan. Our newly selected e.Librarian, Chris Garrison, will take
over the daily tasks at the Archive while Jim is away. A past employee,
Joe Sellinger, will be monitoring the computers that are at the
Server Farm in Southfield, Michigan. There are some automatic
processes that are in place that will “feed” info to
Facebook and Twitter, but other Social Media outlets will be set
aside for the duration of the Leave. Actual interaction by Mr.
Stewart will be delayed until his return. If you would like to
send a message to Jim, please use this form ... the messages will
be passed on to him. Won't you join us in wishing him a safe
journey through this difficult time?
Contact the e.Librarian
A New e.Librarian for the Future.
(as of 01/21/2013):
Announcing a new face at the Rudolf Steiner Archive: Dr. Chris Garrison
will become an integral part of the Archive, and will be wearing the
shoes of an e.Librarian! Chris's background in Anthroposophy and
computers is a much needed asset as the Archive continues into the
future. Outside anthroposophy and dentistry, Dr. Garrison has an
intense interest in economic history, philosophy, and computing.
He enjoys running, mountain biking and yoga. He and his wife Lisa
live in Southwest Michigan. Chris will become the e.Librarian, Jr.,
while Jim Stewart, the current e.librarian will be promoted to
e.Librarian, Sr.! Please join us in welcoming Chris to the Rudolf
Steiner Archive!
Recurring Donations are here!
(as of 12/01/2011):
The Rudolf Steiner Archive is now offering Recurring Donations as an
option for those folks who would like to spread their donations over
a long period of time. We are using the PayPal service to do this,
as they have all of the software in place, are a very secure service,
and we have partnered with them for over 15 years! You will need to
sign-up with PayPal to use this service. Please remember: PayPal is
fast, it's free, it's very secure, and we have been using their
services for several years and have never had a problem.
This is just in time for the coming Holiday Season!
eBooks are here!
(as of 12/01/2010):
The Rudolf Steiner Archive is now offering eBooks for some of the
titles in its' collection! We will be adding to the editions we offer
in eBook for from now on. Look for the electrone icon
in the left-most column of the contents list for each Section, or
the “Download” link in the top navigation menu in your
favorite book, lecture, or article. This is just in time for the
coming Holiday Season!
Added Google Donations as a payment option for
Donations ...
(as of 7/28/2010):
Google Donations is a fast, convenient donation process using a
single login making it easy to make on-line donations ... and
do it again and again. Simply fill in the amount field, and click
the “Donate” button to be taken to Google's Secure
Server for completion of the transaction! Contributors may elect
to remain anonymous.
We are Seeking
Institutional Supporters ...
(as of 7/21/2010):
Will you become a Supporter and help spread the words? Do you
know of someone or some organization that would be interested? Click
here for more information. Or,
click here for a short email form
to get the process started!
We are using Google Translate on our information pages ...
(as of 5/8/2010):
Our information pages, like the Home page or the pages referenced in
the left-hand menu, are now featuring translations into 53 different
languages! This, thanks to Google Translate!! Look for a box titled,
“Translate page” in the right-hand statistics section of
the Home page, and in the left-hand menu on other informational
pages. We will install this feature on the document pages very soon.
A NEW place for our Schedule of Upcoming Documents ...
(as of 3/13/2010):
... Day by Day Calendar of Events has always made the World-wide
Anthroposophical community aware of current and future events! But now,
it will alert readers to the upcoming documents that will be available
at the Archive! Yes, we do have a web page for that, but having that
information available to a wider community is a good thing. There is
RSS subscriptions available for this feature, also.
New Network Hardware Upgrade for the e.Lib!
(as of 11/24/2009):
The routers and switches were upgraded at our local network, today.
We now have complete gigabyte service for all of our machines! This
should help with traffic flow, too, and make the overall reliability
of the entire network more solid. Please let us know
what you think!
A New Prints and Posters page!
(as of 08/06/2009):
There are some pretty creative people out there in the world, and
some of them have offered their artwork in the form of Posters, or
Prints. So, we have created a links page for them at the Rudolf
Steiner Archive! As a bonus, we've added some great prints from
Art.com: World Maps, and portraits of Goethe, Hegel, Schiller,
Spinoza, and other philosophers Steiner refers to.
Please take a moment to look over this new offering ... let us know
what you think!
Our Archive BookShop has undergone a change!
(as of 07/22/2009):
With our partner, Amazon.com, we are presenting a new look for the
Rudolf Steiner Archive BookShop! Now, you can not only find all of
your favorite books by Rudolf Steiner, but you can find e.Books by
Steiner (for your Kindle), any old book you may want, and other
items in esoteric categories like, Musical Instruments, or Computers.
You can search for your favorite titles, and even add to you Amazon.com
Wish List! Please take a moment to look over this new offering ...
and let us know
what you think!
New Social Networking page at the Archive!
(as of 07/14/2009):
Social Networking has become very popular lately ... it is a good way to
keep up with what's happening with friends, family, and your favorite
sites on the Internet. The Rudolf Steiner Archive uses various Social
Networking sites to help inform its friends and fans of the new offerings
at the Archive, and to give reminders to our Day of the Week
exercises, Calendar of the Soul verses, and
meditations. It is a place for our supporters to gather. Take a look,
and then join up!
New Steiner releases for Kindle!
(as of 07/09/2009):
Many readers have asked us about Steiner documents that are available
for Amazon.com's Kindle. Well, here is a page,
Kindle at the Archive,
that not only explains what Kindle is, but also shows a selection
of the material that you can download and read, “on-the-fly!”
We have also included the new selections Slideshow on our
Home Page.
Kindle is a pretty neat device ... check it out!
Categories are enabled at
KnowNews dot Net!
(as of 05/24/2009):
Our sister site,
KnowNews dot Net,
is one of the very few sites around the Internet that has a section
for Anthroposophical news! As of this day, we have enhanced the
Anthro portion of the News articles with the addition of Categories:
Anthroposophy, Bio Agriculture, Waldorf Education, Architecture, etc.
We've also added a Keyword Search, allowing the visitor to display
only the articles that interest them. Click this and be taken to the
Anthroposophical News
Section of that site.
Now you can
Ping This!
(as of 04/23/2009):
There is now a link — near the top of each document in our
Lectures, Books, Articles, or any other Section — to allow
you to post a notice to your Social Networking sites via Ping.FM.
When you click the link, a new window opens to allow you to edit
the posting. You must have a
account to use this feature. Sign up by
clicking here!
A New Look !!
The Face-lift Continues
The on-going changes to the Archive are still in progress!
Little by little, all of the pages will be converted to the new
format. Be aware of the subtle differences in the page design and
layout. Feel free to make suggestions — you guys are the users!
What's Happening Links ...
What's Coming? — Coming attractions.
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
Links from prior years ...
What was in 2008
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2007
(updated Jul 09, 2009)
What was in 2006
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2005
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2004
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2003
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2002
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2001
(updated Nov 03, 2022)
What was in 2000
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 1999
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 1998 and before
(updated Oct 15, 2022)