What's Old, from 2000, at the Steiner Archive
There are a lot of changes going on around the Steiner Archive:
new formats, new links, additional features. Sometimes it's hard to find
out just what is going on! Well, here is what you've been looking for —
a list of the changes, additions, and coming attractions that occured at
the Archive in 2000.
Some 2000 Changes...
The Spiritual Beings in the Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms of Nature. (as of 12/18/2000)
Ten lectures given in Helsinki, April, 1912 (GA 136):
“One of Rudolf Steiner's most important contributions to our
understanding of the world was in the field of angelology —
in the description and understanding of the work of spiritual beings,
nature spirits, and elementals in the cosmos. In this classic,
unparalleled work of angelology (one of only two lecture cycles
he gave on the subject), Steiner leads the reader from sense
experiences to the experience of the spiritual beings active in
nature, in the elements and forces of the earth, and to the dynamic,
cosmic working of the angelic hierarchies. He unfolds in an inspiring
and magnificent vision the cosmic collaboration of the hierarchical
beings in cosmic and human evolution, and shows how human beings,
as angelic beings, participate in this process as the Tenth
The Philosophy of Freedom in Spanish is now on-line. (as of 11/24/2000)
Along with the English and German translations of this book,
we have just addes a Spanish version. It is provided via the
wonderful work of Antonio Aretxabala and his many colleagues,
and the Editorial Rudolf Steiner of Madrid, Spain (Antonio lives
in Pamplona). See:
La Filosofia de La Libertad.
Egyptian Myths and Mysteries is now on-line. (as of 11/21/2000)
Thanks to an anonymous donation, the lecture series
Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
is now on-line. It is a series of twelve lectures given in Leipzig
by Rudolf Steiner in September of 1908 — GA 106.
“Steiner reveals here the deep spiritual connection of our modern epoch
with Egypt and why it is important to study its civilization with its
profound wisdom, its extraordinary knowledge of cosmic laws, and its
myths, which are meaningful for us now. He goes into the experiences of
the Egyptian initiations, facts of occult anatomy and physiology, the
stages of evolution of the human form, and more, culminating with a
lecture on Christ as the conqueror of matter.”
World Economy is now on-line. (as of 11/20/2000)
Thanks to a donation from Arno Mong Daastøl, the lecture series
World Economy
is now on-line. It is a series of fourteen lectures given in Dornach
by Rudolf Steiner in July and August of 1922 — GA 340.
“These lectures provide a foundation for a completely new approach to the
science of economics. Steiner does not give abstract theories but bases
his ideas on the dynamics inherent in the phenomena themselves. A mobile,
flexible quality of thinking is required to enter into this radically
different approach to such things as capital, labor, and natural resources,
and the qualitative differences between purchase, loan, and gift money.
The direction Steiner indicated in these lectures is the inspiration for
a number of banking and financial initiatives now active all over the world.”
Manifestations of Karma is now on-line. (as of 10/12/2000)
Thanks to an anonymous donation, the lecture series
Manifestations of Karma
is now on-line. It is a series of eleven lectures given in Hamburg
by Rudolf Steiner in May of 1910 — GA 120. Lecture titles include:
- "Karma in Relation to Disease and Health,"
- "Karma of the Higher Beings,"
- "Free Will and Karma in the Future of Human Evolution."
Michaelmas offering now on-line. (as of 09/30/2000)
Our Michaelmas Festival offering
The Festivals and Their Meaning IV: Michaelmas
is now on-line. It is a series of eight lectures given by Rudolf
Steiner between the years 1913 and 1924. It is
from the first edition English translation published in 1957.
Ascension and Pentecost offering now on-line. (as of 06/01/2000)
Our Ascension and Pentecost Festival offering
The Festivals and Their Meaning III: Ascension and Pentecost
is now on-line. It is a series of six lectures given by Rudolf
Steiner at Whitsuntide between the years 1908 and 1924. It is
from the first edition English translation published in 1958.
Second Easter offering now on-line. (as of 04/01/2000)
The second of our Easter Festival offerings
The Easter Festival in relation to the Mysteries
is now on-line. It is a series of four lectures given by Rudolf
Steiner between April 19th and 22nd, 1924, in
Dornach Switzerland.
Easter offering now on-line. (as of 03/25/2000)
The first of our Easter Festival offerings
The Festivals and their Meaning II: Easter
is now on-line. It is a series of eight lectures given by Rudolf
Steiner at Easter time between the years of 1908 and 1921. It is
from the first edition English translation published in 1956. Look
for more Easter lectures, coming soon.
New servers at the Archive. (as of 02/20/2000)
There are "two, two, two servers in one" here at the Archive. Well,
actually four: there are two pairs of servers. One pair serves
the pages for menus and other non-Steiner info, while the other pair
serves the on-line Books, Lectures, Articles and the like. Why use
pairs of servers? If one server goes down, the other will take up
the slack until the downed beast can be restarted. We are trying for
100% up-time, but the road to get there has been rocky. We apologize
for the inconveniences caused in the set-up of this new configuration.
Please let us know if you have
An award from Britannica.com. (as of 02/01/2000)
We have been honored with an award from Britannica.com. The
Britannica.com editors have selected this site as one of the best
on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content,
presentation and usability. We thank them for the honor.
New Books and Lectures (as of 01/31/2000)
Lots of new material is now on-line: there have been some donated
texts, some we have transcribed ourselves, and some come from the
Anthroposophical Newsletters we recently acquired. New texts will
make their appearance as we get them converted to a web-presentable
format. Look for them now, and look for more to come, soon.
Rudolf Steiner Press (as of 01/01/2000)
The Rudolf Steiner Press — http://www.rudolfsteinerpress.com
— has moved their site to be hosted on our servers. We will be
hosting all of their sites: Rudolf Steiner Press, Temple Lodge
Publications, and their new venture, Clairview Books. Be sure to make
a not of their new URL, and please check back to find out more about
their other sites.
What's Happening Links ...
What's New? — Newest changes.
(updated Nov 03, 2022)
What's Coming? — Coming attractions.
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
Links from prior years ...
What was in 2008
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2007
(updated Jul 09, 2009)
What was in 2006
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2005
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2004
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2003
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2002
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2001
(updated Nov 03, 2022)
What was in 1999
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 1998 and before
(updated Oct 15, 2022)