What's Old at the Steiner Archive
There are a lot of changes going on around the Steiner Archive: new
formats, new links, additional features. Sometimes it's hard to find
out just what is going on! Well, here is what you've been looking for
— a list of the recent changes, additions, and attractions that
occured at the Archive in 2008.
Some 2008 Changes ...
Additions to our
Lectures by Place page!
(as of 12/23/2008):
With our partner, Google, we have introduced "Current Maps" for the
cities where Rudolf Steiner gave his lectures. We already had a Zoom
map for Europe, after World War I, but all of the cities were located
on the one map. Now, each page has its own map showing the location
of the city and country. The map is interactive in that the user can
zoom in or out, and move the map around. Click on a city, and see for
New introduction dates for Books, Lectures and Articles
(as of 06/30/2008):
Up until now, we have introduced new Books or Lecture Series to the
public on the 15th and the last day of the month. Single lectures or
articles were introduced on the 8th and the 23rd of each month. But
now, we are working overtime to bring new editions to the Archive
at an accelerated pace: new Books and Lecture Series will be presented
for the public on the 10th, 20th and 30th of each month, and single
lectures, Articles, and other items will be publicly available on
the 5th, 15th and 25th. Please visit our
What's Coming
page to see the newly scheduled editions.
Version for the Archive Documents System!
(as of 05/14/2008):
All things evolve! Even computer systems!! Fifteen years ago, when
we developed the computer system that “HTML-ifies” the
documents we have on our servers, the version number we assigned
to it was 1.0. Over the years many changes have been made: some are
minor, cosmetic changes requiring that the version be bumped-up only
slightly to, say 1.0.1. Others are more complex, making the version
number jump to say, 1.1.0. And still others are a major software
change, increasing the number to 2.0.0!
This latest change to our ADS system was fairly complex, as it made
the addition of documents in multiple languages easier. It also
automated the procedures more than before, with additional error
checking and document proofing. The old Version Number was: 2.4.7
... the new Version Number is: 2.5.0.
More information on the
What's Coming? page!
(as of 04/15/2008):
We have added new information to the Whats Coming page: the new
documents listing now has the Document Type, GA#,
Year of the document, Language, Number of parts
to the document, as well as the Title of the document,
and the Expected On-line date. The Title, Type, GA#, Year
and Coming date are all sortable fields. The presentation of the
documenmts is by Archive Section, but the sorting is done within
each Section.
A new “image” server for the Archive.
(as of 02/13/2008):
To ease the burden on our web servers, we have added an image
server to our host of computers. It's function is to provide faster
access to the images that are being served by the various sites we
offer. There should be no differences from the old way images were
being served, except that the overall performance for all of our sites
should be better. All of the pages at all of our sites should load
A New Look !!
The Face-lift Continues
The on-going changes to the Archive are still in progress!
Little by little, all of the pages will be converted to the new
format. Be aware of the subtle differences in the page design and
layout. Feel free to make suggestions — you guys are the users!
What's Happening Links ...
What's New? — Newest changes.
(updated Nov 03, 2022)
What's Coming? — Coming attractions.
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
Links from prior years ...
What was in 2007
(updated Jul 09, 2009)
What was in 2006
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2005
(updated Feb 01, 2009)
What was in 2004
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2003
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2002
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 2001
(updated Nov 03, 2022)
What was in 2000
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 1999
(updated Oct 15, 2022)
What was in 1998 and before
(updated Oct 15, 2022)